dental plaza tokyo

dental plaza tokyo




dental plaza tokyo


morita / dental plaza tokyo / showroom

the newly opened dental plaza tokyo features a space to promote next-generation workflows in dentistry and to create new value for customers added with a conventional showroom space.

for example, it realizes a mix of innovative ideas: the communication circle encourages person-to-person interactions and sharing of information, the use of the latest content such as xr enables more immersive engagement, and the educational facility offers practical training combined with seminars.


the vast 1200m² floor space extends to the east and west bridged by a common area. the east area consists of a showroom and a concept model clinic; the mtc for practical training, the mlc for lectures and talks, and the mdsc for evaluation and demonstration of the latest digital equipment make up the west area. Connecting these areas, the lobby also offers education and r&d area.

color schemes are defined in detail to identify these multiple areas, and in addition, ideas such as the installation of movable partitions and furniture maximize the flexibility for the floor space use.

photo by akito goto