showroom to immerse in cutting edge dentistry

dental plaza tokyo, the showroom of morita, japan’s leading general dental trading company, opens at ochanomizu, tokyo.


f/p design has continued to deliver interior design emphasizing hygienic, functional, and premium showrooms since the dental plaza tokyo at ariake in 2015. this is in line with the product dna of morita brand and has created synergy to strengthen the brand.


the newly opened dental plaza tokyo features a space to promote next-generation workflows in dentistry and to create new value for customers added with a conventional showroom space.for example, it realizes a mix of innovative ideas: the communication circle encourages person-to-person interactions and sharing of information, the use of the latest content such as xr enables more immersive engagement, and the educational facility offers practical training combined with seminars.

it is a pioneering experiment taking account of business model shifting from sales of products to sales of services via system and digital platform, and a showcase of a vision under a unified corporate design.


photo by akito goto

read more about dental plaza tokyo here.