the state of design

the new book “the state of design“, edited by fritz frenkler among others, has now been released!


“the state of design” is available in print version at bookstores as well as online. it was published by press and edited by fritz frenkler, birgit herbst-gaebel, michael molls, sebastian stadler, and wilhelm vossenkuhl. in addition to greetings from president thomas hofmann, contributions have also been written by the pioneering industrial designer dieter rams, as well as the former director of the tum architecture museum, winfried nerdinger.


in line with sustainability, the work was produced in accordance with the blue angel eco-label on 100% recycled paper with certified climate compensation. the full electronic text is freely accessible on mediatum.


the book presents the results of the symposium “the state of design”, organised by the tum senior excellence faculty in the year 2022. with over 20 international experts from science and business, the theme was examined, discussed, and recommendations for action were derived from various perspectives. design is not only seen as a shaping, aesthetic add-on at the end of a development process but also as an essential and driving component of the development itself. “the state of design” aims to inspire designers, engineers, sociologists, materials scientists, and researchers from other disciplines alike to consider design as an integral part of research and education.


fritz frenkler

birgit herbst-gaebel

michael molls

sebastian stadler

wilhelm vossenkuhl


editorial advisory board

oliver gerstheimer

thomas herzog

werner lang

udo lindemann

winfried nerdinger

wolfgang sattler


organizer & editorial team

technical university of munich (tum)

tum senior excellence faculty

arcisstraße 21 | 80333 munich


publisher press

technical university of munich (tum)

arcisstraße 21 | 80333 munich



maike specht, berlin


cover design

fritz frenkler, berlin

f/p design


layout design

steven stannard, stuttgart



druckerei vogl gmbh & co kg, zorneding





© photos steven stannard