celebrating the legend of industrial design: dieter rams receives if design lifetime achievement award

this year, the if design award marked its 70th iteration with unparalleled grandeur. 10800 submissions, 132 design jury experts, 72 countries, 75 gold winners. but one name stood out as a beacon of design excellence: dieter rams.


a true visionary in the field of industrial design, dieter rams was bestowed with the very first if design lifetime achievement award during the ceremony on april 29, 2024. the audience erupted with a wave of applause and a standing ovation, which came as no surprise. rams’ legacy transcends generations, inspiring countless designers around the globe.


jonathan ive, the former vice president of industrial design and chief design officer at apple, famously praised rams for his functional and minimalist works: “at a glance, you knew exactly what it was and exactly how to use it”. rams’ iconic designs for braun have left an indelible mark on the industry, with many of his products earning if design awards over the years.


the laudatio honoring dieter rams was delivered by none other than fritz frenkler, the founder of f/p design, chairperson of the if product design award jury, and member of the board of trustees of the dieter and ingeborg rams foundation. frenkler’s heartfelt tribute encapsulated not only rams’ profound impact on the design world but also the personal connection and enduring friendship.


the if design lifetime achievement award also does not only celebrate dieter rams’ remarkable journey but also serves as a testament to the transformative power of design to enrich lives and drive positive change. as we at f/p design honor rams’ legacy, we reaffirm our dedication to upholding his principles of good design and making our world better.

dieter rams. 10 principles of good design:


 1.  good design is innovative

 2.  good design makes a product useful

 3.  good design is aesthetic

 4.  good design makes a product understandable

 5.  good design is unobtrusive

 6.  good design is honest

 7.  good design is long-lasting

 8.  good design is thorough down to the last detail

 9.  good design is environmentally friendly

10. good design is as little design as possible

ph credit: if design